Church in Society 

Clipart used by permission from Communications Resources 2025 ©ChurchArt Online


The role of the Church in Society Committee is to integrate the congregation's work into the life of the Shawano community, the state, the nation and the world. The Committee keeps the congregation informed of social, political and economic developments and creates useful means of serving the community. Our national church body, the ELCA, provides information about and opportunities for supporting global priorities. Following are some examples of the Church in Society Committee's local community activities:


Safe Haven.  Zion provides a meal to the local domestic abuse shelter, Safe Haven, for their Support Group Supper. This allows moms and children to sit down to a relaxing homemade supper that they otherwise might not be able to enjoy.

Shawano Area Food Pantry Donations. The Committee encourages Zion members to donate food items to the local food pantry (S.A.F.P.A.R.C.)  A grocery cart, placed in the narthex, is always ready to receive food items which are then delivered to the pantry every month.

Working with the Shawano School District, the Wee Care Food Pack program provides nutritional support to students most in need on the weekend when school breakfast and lunch programs are not available. During the school year, ready-to-eat or easy-to-prepare, non-perishable foods (listed below) are sent
home weekly on Fridays with students to give them the sense of security a full belly brings.

- Instant oatmeal packs -Small boxed cereal -Breakfast bars -100% fruit juice boxes -Snack size fruit cups -Applesauce cups -Pudding cups -Snack size vegetables cups -Granola or protein bars -Peanut butter cups -Chicken soup cans -Pork and beans with pull-top -Single serve pasta meals -Vienna wieners -Crackers in individual sleeves, such as: Ritz -Small boxes of raisins -Fruit snack pouches -Peanut butter cracker packs

Make sure items have a “best used by” date that is
6 months or so from when you donate.
Monetary donations to support this program are welcome and greatly appreciated! Checks should be made payable to: Zion Lutheran Church. On the check memo line: Wee Care.